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2019 AIM Trips | Bobby Loukinen, MN AIM Director

AIM (Ambassadors in Missions) is the youth missions program of the Assemblies of God that has been around since the 1960’s. AIM has been sending teams of students from our state on trips for decades. Over the past nine years, AIM has sent out 86 teams, involving over 1,600 students and adults on trips where they have had the opportunity to share their faith through a variety of ministries.

In 2019, teams put on school assemblies in Panama, built homes for impoverished migrant farming families in Baja, Mexico, and helped with a church plant in Ecuador. ES Sports used soccer in El Salvador as a way to present the gospel, the Tree Top kids team hosted an adventure camp, and the Alaska team hosted a mega sports camp to impact the community.

The Atlanta and Denver Dream Center teams worked with inner-city kids through activities, VBS, and community service projects as a way to share their faith.

The Ireland team experienced several miracles on the trip and even when they got back home. At their own youth group, the students shared their stories about the trip and at the prayer time, several students prayed for a student who was blind in one eye. They prayed and God answered by opening his blind eye. They were confident God would perform that miracle because they had seen several similar miracles throughout their week in Ireland.

The goal of Minnesota AIM is for every student involved in an AG youth ministry to go on a mission trip before they end their high school career. In 2020, there are 7 different types of trips offered to students: Minnesota trips, USA trips, International trips, Live Dead trips, anti-trafficking trips, water well projects, and ES Sports trips (basketball and soccer teams).

For more information, visit the MN AIM website at or email Bobby Loukinen at