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Worship Arts Leaders from every region of
our district met at Lake Geneva Christian
Center Thursday evening, May 31st,
through Saturday morning, June 2nd. Our
objectives as a Worship Arts Department
are to connect and equip. Since we see this
happening simultaneously, we invented a
new word: ‘connectaquip’!

The retreat kicked off Thursday evening with
a banquet where we honored Larry Bach
and his wife Jerilyn for serving 15 years as
District Music Director. Our speaker for
the banquet was our great friend Dr. Dave
Collins who encouraged and challenged us in
our pastoral roles. It ended with round table
discussion and praying for one another.

I (Todd) led the general sessions on Friday
morning and evening, where we discussed
God’s description of worship through the
lens of relationship and our role in forming
our people in order to grow God’s kingdom.
The second half of Friday morning saw
breakouts led by Mark Alan Schoolmeesters
and Jeff Deyo (songwriting), Stephanie
MacDonald and Taylor Marshall (keyboard
use in congregational worship), and Ben
Johnson (technology in congregational
worship). Derrick Benoit worked with
various people to lead our worship through
song. We concluded on Saturday morning as
we were taught and led to the Lord’s Table
by Dr. Vinnie and Justine Zarletti.

The game room below the Lakeview Center
was a perfect place to hang out throughout
the weekend. We were also blessed by the
availability of the pontoon boat on Friday
with perfect weather!

Our department has an amazing group of
leaders, including our executive leadership
team and our section representatives. They
provided excellent ministry at this retreat
and I cannot thank them enough!

We are already looking forward to next year’s
retreat on May 30–June 1, 2019. Search
#mnagwar on Facebook and Instagram to
view more photos.