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Kids XP is a one-day event with a
combination of large group and breakout
sessions exploring, training, practicing, and
understanding what worship of Jesus really
involves. Our goal is to inspire and equip kids
to pursue Christ daily and also encourage
them to reach out to unbelieving friends.

The 2018 Kids XP was incredible! On March
10, 600+ kids (in 3rd-6th grade) and leaders
came to Baxter and Princeton from all over
Minnesota. They came to experience God
in a life changing way! Our theme was “Star
Words” and we took a closer look at the
words Truth, Faith, Hope, Love, and Grace.

Kids learned that Jesus is the perfect picture
of both Truth and Grace.
Kids and leaders were also encouraged to
believe what God says about their identity,
instead of believing any lies aimed at
diminishing their worth. In breakout sessions,
kids learned how to have a “New Hope in
Jesus,” “How to be a Faith Walker,” and how
“God’s Love is the Ultimate Force!”

I could not be more proud of the teams in
Baxter and Princeton who made this event
happen through their prayer, planning,
and hard work! When we come together
in the name of Jesus, He gives us a fresh
understanding that He is here among us!

If you could not make it this year, we hope
you can join us for next year’s Kids XP in
March 2019!