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World Assemblies of God Fellowship | Mark Dean

During Family Camp in 2014, one of our guest speakers was Pastor Denny Duron, from Shreveport, LA. On July 1st, Denny was scheduled to preach and receive the offering that night. The offering was designated in part towards the construction of the new Dining and Event Center, which at the time had not yet been completed. During the course of the offering, Denny seemed to look beyond us into the future as he spoke these prophetic words:

“This building will be used to host a worldwide missions summit with leaders from around the world. Leading missions’ minds will convene and strategize together.”

After this brief word, he continued receiving the offering as normal. I quickly jotted down his words into the notes on my phone.

I remember looking around and thinking, “Did anyone else just hear what I heard?” My prayer in that moment was, “Lord, if I ever have the opportunity to be part of this event, I’m in!”

I’ve shared that story with many of you over the past two years with an openness to what God might have in store for us.

Since then I’ve also been in contact with Brad Walz and the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF) about this dream. The WAGF organizes a gathering of leaders from the 102 missionary- sending nations, and I presented the idea of hosting an upcoming summit right here in Minnesota.

Just a few weeks ago while driving back from Michigan, I got word that the WAGF leadership team was meeting in Amsterdam and decided to hold the 2022 summit at Lake Geneva!

It’s an honor to step forward in faith and obedience to do what God is asking of us in Minnesota. I was able to attend the WAGF summit in Madrid earlier this year, and it was incredible to see missionaries from over one hundred nations called to the mission field. I’m excited to take on this assignment and see what God will do in 2022!