March 28-29th 2025
Lake Geneva Christian Center,
Alexandria MN
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might.” (Eph. 6:10)
Experience a powerful weekend of worship, teaching and fellowship. Evangelist Joe Anderson along with other dynamic breakout speakers will challenge and equip you to step up!
Click here to see Joe Anderson’s Bio
Friday March 28th
12PM Registration Opens
4:15PM Breakout session #1
5:00PM Dinner
7:00 PM Evening Service – Worship Center
9:30PM Late night Activities*
Saturday March 29th
6:30AM Breakfast (Office/Registration Opens)
7:15AM Sunrise sessions
8:30AM Morning Service
10:15AM Breakout Session #2
11:00AM Lunch
1:00PM Afternoon Service
2:30PM Go Home
Cost per person – Men’s Advance. Price includes the Advance, Meals and 1 spot for housing
(reservations are for 1 bed not for a whole room)
Guests need to bring bedding & towels for all housing selections other than Kingsriter and Legacy Lodge Hotel Rooms
- Kingsriter ($175)
- Legacy Lodge Hotel Room ($175)
- Legacy Lodge Dorm Room ($150)
- Lakeview Dorm Suites ($140)
- Duplex Cabins Queen Bed/Bunk ($150)
- Duplex Cabins 2 Bunk ($140)
- Heritage Dorms ($120)
- Rustic Cabins with heat ($120)
- Rustic Cabins no heat ($100)
- Friday and Saturday no lodging ($90)
- Friday only no lodging ($55)
- Saturday only no lodging ($70)
*Late Night Activities:
Volleyball and Basketball– Gym | Ice Cream – Event Center/Dining Hall | Bonfire – 2 next to Kingsriter Retreat Center and 1 on the beach by Event Center | Geneva Java – open Friday 1:00 p.m.- 5p.m. and 9:30 p.m. to midnight. Saturday 6:30a.m.-9:00 a.m | Games in the rec. area in Lakeview Center | NCAA Elite Eight Regional Basketball Game – Fireside room in Lakeview Center | “Taking care of business” prayer time in Worship Center
Take advantage of these great equipping opportunities! We have amazing breakout sessions led by outstanding teachers. Each breakout session will be held twice – 4:15PM Fri. and 10:15AM Saturday. (Pastors Breakout Friday and Saturday)
Supernatural Lifestyle: Freedom
How to Get It. How to Give It
Steve Ekholm
Lead Pastor | Living Hope
Mora MN
Supernatural Lifestyle: Healing
How to Get It. How to Give It
Mike Huey
Evangelist, Business Consultant
Defeating Repetitive Sin
Ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle you can’t escape? Repetitive sin has a way of wrapping its chains around us, whispering lies that freedom is impossible—but God’s Word offers the key to
breaking free for good.
Vince Miller
Founder | Resolute Ministries
Lay It Down
Tired of struggles with the same old bondage and sin? Jesus told us the key to freedom. It’s so simple we often overlook it.
Mike Stehr
Lead Pastor | Rochester Assembly of God Church
The Language of Security
Take home something that will help you and your spouse be the best in your marriage.
Bob Headley
Lead Pastor | Revive Church
Forest Lake MN
Standing In The Gap
As men we need to step up and take our stand, and it all starts on our knees!
Doug Vagle
Lead Pastor | The Waters Church
Sartell MN
Run to Win The Prize
Come receive inspiration from Scripture and practical tools to help us run our race to win.
Mike Stevens
Lead Pastor | Good Hope Church
Cloquet MN
3 God-Given Superpowers For Men
Come and learn about three superpowers that God has given to every Man that will radically change your marriage, kids, and your life.
Chris Pruett
MN District Director, Children’s Ministry
Whether we are looking to get physically fit or grow in our spiritual lives, comfort is our biggest hindrance to growth. We’re going to talk about how to embrace the uncomfortable situations in our lives and allow God to use it to help us become more like Christ.”
Kyle Peterson
Lead Pastor | River of Life
Sauk Centre MN
A Husband to Die For
Proverbs 31 unlocks the key to being that guy your wife can’t resist!
Roger Thompson
Pastor, Men’s Ministry Leader
Getting Past Your Past
Because of Jesus, your best days are still in front of you. Discover how to let go of the past, cultivate faith for the future, and step forward into the life that Jesus offers!
Jono Gates
Evangelist | Jono Gates Ministries
The Best Day Of My Life
The best day in a man’s life is often the result of having experienced the worst day in life. We will discuss 4 steps for turning a setback into success!
Dr. Douglas Graham
Assistant Superintendent MN District
Interim President North Central University
Men’s Ministry
(For Pastors & Men’s Ministry Directors)
Pastors Breakout Session Friday 4:15PM
What works, what doesn’t. Let’s help each other be great in this open format discussion.
Bob Headley
Lead Pastor | Reach Church
Forest Lake MN
Overcoming RLS
(Reluctant Leader Syndrome)
Pastors Breakout Session Saturday 10:15AM
Leading a church is not a perk: it’s a heavy responsibility that intimidates the best of us.
Roger Thompson
Pastor, Men’s Ministry Leader
Devotional Living
How 20 minutes a day will begin to change your life. Older adults encouraged to attend.
Dan Parotti
Young Enough to Serve Ministries
When Stepping Up Means Stepping Back
It’s time to focus on what really matters.
Chris Cleveland
Lead Pastor | Eden Prairie Assembly
Saturday Sunrise Sessions
“Won By One”
Stepping into Spirit Led Personal Evangelism. Strategies for being equipped to easily share your faith with others.
Paul Logan
Men’s Ministry Pastor. Founder and Director of Marathon Ministries
Promise Principle
This simple process will also empower you to easily engage other men in meaningful biblical community.
Jay Jensen and Tony Thomas
Elders | Cedar Valley Church
Power of a Praying Man!
Renewing your heart for prayer through scripture.
Aaron Topp
Lead Pastor | River Valley Church
Eagan MN
How To Deal With The Prodigal In Your Life
How to respond when some we love turn their back on God.
Troy Fields
Lead Pastor | Tree of Life Church
Supernatural Lifestyle: Freedom
How to Get It. How to Give It
Steve Ekholm
Lead Pastor | Living Hope
Mora MN
Deep and Wide – Building a Sustainable Ministry to Men
Strategies for uniting & engaging the men of your church.
Roger Thompson
Pastor, Men’s Ministry Leader
Devotional Living
How 20 minutes a day will begin to change your life. Older adults encouraged to attend.
Dan Parotti
Young Enough to Serve Ministries