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This week, we’re looking at some in-depth tutorials for mixing audio for worship at your church, and we’re sharing some helpful tips and ideas for streaming and sharing Spotify at your church!

Audio Mixing Tutorials

This Youtube channel features some professional tips for mixing audio at your church. These tutorials give practical and technical advice to make your drums, bass, and vocals sound their best, as well as making your soundchecks quicker and more efficient. A lot of these tutorials are done with software or an X32 digital soundboard, but don’t let that intimidate you if that’s not what you’re working with. Most of the concepts in these videos can be applied to any soundboard or setup you’re using.

Using Spotify at your church

This article shares some practical tips for using Spotify to share your worship setlists ahead of time! By creating Spotify playlists, you can introduce new songs to the members of your church before they even walk into the service on Sunday!
This article also explains how to get the right Spotify subscription for your church that will legally cover you to play music during your services and in your lobby throughout the week:

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