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District Council & EQUIP Conference 2024

On April 18-20, we gathered at Cedar Valley Church in Bloomington for the 103rd District Council and the annual EQUIP Conference. These were exciting days! One of the many highlights was welcoming 137 newly credentialed ministers to our ministry family during Friday morning’s Celebration Service. It was a beautiful sight! Along with celebrating those whom God has recently called into ministry, we honored those who have been ordained for fifty years and those who went to be with the Lord in 2023. We also had the privilege of hearing from Mark Dean as he shared his message, “Preach the Word.”  His challenge was timely: read the Word. Love the Word. Preach the Word.

At one point during the Thursday afternoon Business session, the altar was filled with AGWM missionaries, Missionary Associates, and nationally appointed US missionaries. To date, there are 194 missionaries sent from MN. What a fantastic team of missionaries the Lord of the Harvest continues to call from our churches! We also celebrated record-breaking missions giving with $4 million of growth in 2023, for a total of $21.6 million given to AGWM areas during the past year. The pastors in our district and their passion for the lost in both Jerusalem and the ends of the earth are making a huge difference.

All main messages and breakouts from District Council and EQUIP are recorded and available at Each session with Pastor Mark, Scott Wilson, Allen Tennison, and Martha Tennison was powerful, and we encourage you to listen. 50 quality breakout sessions can also be found at this site.

Thank you for your faith-filled ministry across this great District. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time; we’ll reap a harvest if we do not give up.”