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The 2023 Connect Conference began in a familiar way, with 500 ministers and spouses enjoying a banquet and fellowship together on Monday night. After the introduction and welcome of new ministers, however, the evening headed down a new path. Popcorn, boxes of theatre candy, and pop were delivered to each table. Pastor Mark announced the seven giant screens would be used to show a pre-screening of the soon to be released (February 24) movie, “Jesus Revolution.”

For the next two hours, everyone sat glued to their seats watching a reenactment of one of our nation’s greatest revivals…the “Hippie” Jesus People Movement of the 70s. A sense of awe at what God did filled the room.

As the movie ended, Derrick Benoit and Heidi Kottke, along with a collection of worship pastors, lead an extended worship. Rich Scherber and Christy Cass led this simple prayer, “God, please do it again!” Tickets for the movie are on sale now; visit

Tuesday, Jeffery Portmann, Church Multiplication Network Director, shared incredible messages in both the morning and evening sessions. Altar times were marked by a powerful sense of God’s presence.

Tuesday morning, multiple growth opportunities were presented including vision trips, church planting, church partnerships, cadres, and the launch of the “Acts 2 Journey”.

Tuesday evening, Jeffery presented this question, ‘Why should we choose courage?’”  The evening concluded with multiple “Pie Receptions” for all attendees.

Pastor Mark asked MN ministers to seek God regarding MN churches collectively seeing 20,000 salvations, 5,000 water baptisms, and 5,000 Holy Spirit baptisms in 2023.  He stated, “it’s time to resume our growth trajectory in each of these vital areas.”

The Connect Conference served its purpose well as ministers connected with God and ministry peers. Don’t serve alone! To listen to audio recordings from Connect, visit