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Missionary Evangelists to Latin America  |  Mike & Mona Re’ Shields

Proclaim, train, and send. These three components of the Great Commission guide our ministry as Minnesota missionaries to the Spanish-speaking world.

In February we stood on the platform of one of northern Mexico’s great churches in a powerful conference on the Holy Spirit. We led an extended time of intercession with over 700 pastors and spouses. Many came broken and discouraged. The Mexican AG has lost over 300 pastors and pastors’ spouses during the pandemic. Yet, we proclaimed the Gospel of Hope and Power, laying hands on scores of precious couples in that country wracked by violence and fear. In country after country, we preach and minister to thousands every year in 10-12 countries.

We are the International Directors of the Institute for Ministerial Enrichment. Minnesota Missionaries, Larry and Melodee Gruetzmacher, help us work at the executive level with thousands of students. We constantly train our teaching staff of 130 professors who are pastors and leaders throughout the 18 countries in the region. This year we’ve partnered with Global University to offer a master’s degree in Ministry and Leadership. The spirit-led transformation in the lives of these people active in the ministry has been nothing less than amazing.

We are so grateful for our churches and partners throughout the Minnesota District who have helped us send workers into the Harvest. We have graduates serving as missionaries in the Middle East, Thailand, Japan, Kazakhstan, Spain, India, and beyond.  In the past few years, you’ve helped us build churches and raise up Bible schools in many places. We do this hand-in-hand with YOU!

So keep proclaiming! Keep training! Keep sending! Never lose the awe of the Gospel in action, starting in your own life. Together we are transforming our world…one life at a time.


To connect with the Shields, visit their AGWM profile here