BGMC Missions Giving Update
There is a lot of excitement buzzing in the Minnesota District in January, especially when it comes to missions’ giving. Every January, numbers are collected and presented from the previous year. Already, 2024 has proven to be a record-breaking year, and no small part of that is the amazing things happening with the Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC)!
BGMC is a ministry centered around teaching children about their brothers and sisters around the world in need of the gospel message. Best of all, each child’s training is accompanied by an opportunity for them to respond to the Great Commission through BGMC. Pastor Chris Pruett, MN, Kids Ministry Director, wrote this in response to BGMC’s record-breaking year:
“For the first time in our state’s history, MN boys and girls finished #1 in the country for BGMC giving! Our kids’ pastors have been working hard to cultivate a heart of compassion and generosity in our kids, and our kids have responded! We celebrate what God has been doing as they gave a record-breaking $819,900 to further the Gospel all over the world.
To raise this money, kids have been shoveling, baking, selling crafts, providing services, and a host of other creative ideas. One girl started a dog yard cleanup business to raise money for missions. When asked why, she said, “Because it ‘stinks’ that people don’t know Jesus, and I want to make a difference.” The Holy Spirit is moving in our kids. Their praying, giving, and going make a huge difference in our world. Thanks again for partnering with our children. We believe God has NOT called them to be the church of tomorrow, but He has called them to be the church TODAY.”
The ceiling is never too high for the Minnesota Children’s Ministry. Every day, new stories are told, and new testimonies are blessing others. Praise the Lord for an incredible 2024 as we pray for and look forward to an even better future.