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Greetings! Thanks so much for your continued incredible endeavors to pastor your communities. Amidst your extremely busy schedules and extra demands that are part of your current norm, I pray that God’s presence covers you with supernatural provision and protection. There are wonderful stories being told of God’s grace during these days, and we’ll celebrate those together in future days. Next week we’ll be sending out recommendations regarding reopening Minnesota churches. Hopefully that will occur the week of May 18th, with Sunday the 24th as a target opening date (of course nothing is assured). Now is the time to be preparing for what the future will look like. Let’s get ready!

As we all prepare for future days, I want to take a few moments to share our approach towards 2020 Lake Geneva Summer Camps. In a sentence, we’re fighting to give every opportunity for families, kids, and students to be able gather this summer at Camp. If it doesn’t happen, it won’t be for a lack of effort on anyone’s part, nor will we feel we’ve failed. Ultimately, GOD ALONE KNOWS!

To give a greater opportunity for the potential of summer camps, we’ve taken all Kids Camps in June and moved them into the middle of the Teen camping season in July. We understand that even if the best case scenario unfolds, not everyone will be able to be part of a July Kids Camp option. This move means that the first camp of the summer would be Family Camp, starting in late June. If we’re given that opportunity to gather as families, we understand that there would also be many added restrictions. Together with the Presbyters, we’ll weigh the options and make a decision regarding Family Camp no later than May 29th.

The Kids Camp committee met on Friday and voted unanimously, if given the opportunity, to have two sessions of MN Kids Camp. As pastor Chris said, “We are fighting for that opportunity as long as we have a safe option to meet.” The first session would be Mon-Thur, July 13-16, and the second session would be Thur-Sun, July 16-19. Youth Camps would meet the week prior to Kids Camps, and also the two weeks following Kids Camp. We will continue to monitor progress in MN regarding the virus, and pay close attention to the restrictions from our Governor and the CDC. The Presbytery board will again weigh the options and make a decision regarding the feasibility of age-graded camps no later than May 29th.

Thanks for praying with us for God’s will to be done regarding 2020 Camps! We will also continue to pray for God’s blessing upon you and His Church, both here in Minnesota and to the ends of the earth.

With love and appreciation,

Mark Dean