Win the hearts of the children of the MDC for the kingdom of God
Provide service to our churches and people with a level of excellence
Provide training to every church and/or person involved in MN Kids' Ministries
Children's Ministries is taking an active role in strategizing with all of the Assemblies of God ministries and resources focused on children and those that minister to them.
Win the hearts of the children of the Minnesota district for the kingdom of God and help them grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (through Kids' Camp, Kids' XP, Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ), and Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC).
Provide service to our churches and people with a level of excellence to serve as a resource center with teaching tools and resources that allow churches to grow, and to train the MN Kids' Ministry staff with a level of proficiency in addressing their needs.
Provide training to every church and/or person involved in MN Kids' Ministries at the level of their need with District, Sectional, and Local training events that help our people grow and hone their ministry skills as needed for groups or individuals.