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The Edge Church | Pastor Chuck & Steph Peterson

The Edge Church in Winona stands as a testament of God’s purpose and preparation for His plan. Lead Pastor Chuck Peterson felt called to ministry at a young age in Lake Geneva’s Old Tabernacle. This calling led him to North Central Bible College, where he met his future wife, Steph.

After college, Chuck ministered as an associate pastor and eventually a youth pastor at Staples Assembly of God. The Petersons later felt the Lord had other plans for them and moved to Hermantown Community Church in Duluth. Here, they served for 10.5 years as Chuck took on various roles, including children’s and youth ministry.

At the recommendation of Kirby St. John, Chuck interviewed for and was hired as the executive pastor of River of Life Church in Cold Spring.

“Honestly, it was amazing. I feel like you can see God’s hand preparing us in every place we’ve been.” Chuck stated. “What we needed to learn in each place, the pastors were professionals in each area,” Steph added.

While at River of Life, Steph started a young adult group, which flourished. She wanted to connect the group more with the fellowship, so she called the district youth director, who pointed her toward the Salt Conference, a Chi Alpha event. This was Steph’s first introduction to Chi Alpha student ministry. She was notably good with young adults and later was asked by Chi Alpha Director Mike Amiot to consider leading Winona State University (WSU) Chi Alpha, where the building had sat empty for a few years.

Chuck felt increasingly called to start a new church during this time. Steph’s growing connection to Chi Alpha, with knowledge of the struggling WSU Chi Alpha, prompted them to visit Winona, where they learned that the building was at risk of being sold. Mike Amiot saw their visit as a sign and canceled the sale, allowing Chuck and Steph to explore the possibility of planting a church there.

Chuck had a vivid vision of the sanctuary during their visit to the building, full of people worshiping. “Then I blinked my eyes, and it was gone,” recalls Chuck. They took this as confirmation from God of what He would do.

Together, Chuck and Steph are committed to learning all they could about church planting. They attended conferences, raised funds, and renovated the Chi Alpha building for church and WSU student ministry.

In 2008, WSU Chi Alpha began anew. In 2009, they launched The Edge Church, and Chuck’s vision came to life on the very first night with a sanctuary full of people hungry for Jesus.

By 2014, The Edge Church had outgrown the Chi Alpha building. It relocated to downtown Winona, where it remains with its official purpose: “Experience God, Discover your Purpose, Go ‘glocal’ and Enjoy the Journey!”