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Northwood Church | Pastor Tony & Brenda Vietti

Tony Vietti, Lead Pastor at Northwood Church in Redwood Falls, MN, has had a remarkable journey, shaping a church that exemplifies innovative and creative ways of ministering to their community and other churches.

Growing up in the church, Tony was frequently told that he would make a great pastor and when he was 11 years old, he heard an audible voice of the Lord. Though he didn’t understand it at the time, this was the moment that set the foundation for his future in ministry.

After high school, Tony attended Saint Paul Christian College. There, he met his wife, Brenda. Initially, he pursued a career in the tech field, eventually becoming a video and project manager for Best Buy.

Tony led a ministry at Best Buy called “The Christian Connection,” where he preached his first sermon. At that time, Tony started taking classes at the Minnesota School of Ministry (MNSOM). Eventually pivoting from Best Buy, Tony ministered in churches, even filling different pastoral roles.

Later, Carl Lindelien reached out with an opportunity for Tony to serve as pastor at a struggling church in Redwood Falls, MN. “They were very close to closing their doors, and they were upside down in their mortgage,” When Tony and Brenda visited the church, Tony recalls, “We didn’t even get out the car when Brenda looked at the church and said, ‘I think this is where we’re supposed to be’.” After interviewing with the church board, Tony was invited back to preach. On their way home from that visit, Tony received a call from the church board offering him the position, which he and Brenda accepted.

Under Tony’s leadership, the church has experienced growth and revitalization. They welcomed several MNSOM students, setting up a system for them to intern at the church with their own office spaces. They addressed the church’s mortgage issues, made significant updates to the building, and saw an increase in regular attendance.

God opened yet another door when a church in Springfield, MN was struggling. Northwood church was able to help, providing MNSOM students from Northwood Church to preach on rotation! Not only did this help the church in Springfield keep its doors open, but it also provided a way for the MNSOM students to gain experience leading in a church. The church in Springfield will be joining Northwood Church as its Springfield campus.

“God has overperformed on my expectations,” says Tony. He emphasized that God consistently challenges him to surpass his own expectations. Tony encourages others to remain steadfast, regardless of whether their plans unfold as anticipated, and never doubt the opportunities God opens for you as you pastor your community.