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Kids Camp | Chris Pruett, KidMin Director

Another year of Kids Camp is in the books! From June 10-27 we saw over 2,700 campers and leaders from across the Midwest gather at Lake Geneva Christian Center for fun-filled days at camp. Kids Camp is on its second year of a new schedule, doing four camps in three weeks, opening up an extra session for more campers to experience God in a life-changing way and make lasting memories.

The theme this year was “Battle Zone,” focusing on how God fights for His kids and their friends. Kids are never too young to be part of the battle to win souls for Christ!

Ben & Michelle Markwardt, Children’s Pastors from Willmar AG, spoke at all four sessions of camp and knocked it out of the park! Students learned about the unconditional love of God, studying the Bible, practical life application, and how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. The Markwardts and their team did an awesome job sharing the gospel in a simple, engaging, and memorable way. “Gramma Mae” and “Coach Carl” were a few favorite characters who made this happen. (Ask your kids and they’ll fill you in!)

Kids met God in so many different ways throughout the sessions.

We recorded at least 175 first-time salvations and 230 rededication’s to the Lord. There were also over 120 campers healed, 150 baptized in the Holy Spirit, and 90 campers called into ministry.

One of those first-time salvations was a little girl from the Twin Cities. She was invited to Kids Camp by a friend and gave her heart to Jesus. When she got home she brought her entire family to church with her (the very next day). They had never been to a church before and described it as “fresh and exciting”!

During the four sessions we raised money for a BGMC project to send Bible listening devices to those in African villages who learn orally. The devices read the Bible aloud in multiple languages and have other discipleship tools recorded as well, encouraging group study sessions. Our kids broke giving records and raised over $15,000, which will help purchase over 250 devices to send overseas!

Lake Geneva added two new rec features this year – “The Battle Zone,” a Nerf gun arena on the West campus and a “Kangaroo Jumper” in the front ball field (affectionately called “The Land Blob”). The Battle Zone was made possible by generous donations in honor of a previous KidMin Director, Kevin Graves, who passed away suddenly in 2018. The campers loved both of the new features and they will be enjoyed for years to come.

Minnesota Pastors, we look forward to seeing you and your elementary-age students next year for Kids Camp 2020! Once again we’ll hold four sessions of Kids Camp, between June 8-25. Mark your calendars now – you won’t want to miss it!