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CONNECT Conference Recap

The 2025 Connect Conference kicked off with over 500 ministers and their spouses gathering for a banquet on Monday evening. After welcoming new ministers, Dr. Don Lichi, licensed psychologist and Vice President of Emerge Counseling Services, set the tone for the week with an insightful overview: “The Way of the Warrior: Defining Your Place, Refining Your Pace, Finishing Your Race, Getting Healthy, Guarding Your Heart, and Finding a Friend.”

Sessions began with Dr. Lichi’s presentation on “Developing Your Team.” He introduced six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The room buzzed as ministers and spouses reflected on which type they identified with most.

Dr. Lichi then focused on a key scriptural teaching from Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” He emphasized the importance of emotional and spiritual health in leadership and offered practical insights into safeguarding one’s heart amidst the pressures of ministry.

The evening session brought a powerful challenge through Dr. Lichi’s talk, “When You Are in Malta… Divine Interruption or Kingdom Opportunity?” Drawing from the Apostle Paul’s unexpected stay in Malta (Acts 28:1-11a), Dr. Lichi explored how God can use life’s interruptions—delays, setbacks, and reversals—as opportunities for ministry. Reflecting on Ephesians 5:15-16, he encouraged attendees to embrace unplanned moments as divine opportunities to further God’s kingdom.

During the altar time that followed, the atmosphere was thick with a sense of God’s presence. The evening concluded on a lighthearted note with Pie Receptions, allowing everyone to connect and share in fellowship.

The Connect Conference fulfilled its purpose by creating a space for ministers to deepen their connection with God and peers. In his closing remarks, Dr. Lichi asked: “What will people remember about us? How we lived. How we loved. How we left. Finish well.”

For those who couldn’t attend, audio recordings are available at