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Youth Alive | Richard Baker, MN Youth Alive Director

Twenty-one years! That is how long Youth Alive has been in existence in Minnesota. Every day I am thankful for the opportunity to serve students and churches in our District.

The Lord has given favor across the state to see more than 10,000 students trained for outreach. Our teams have worked with local churches to have school assembly programs in 973 schools — 615 different schools and 358 repeats. Students are developing creative groups to reach their classmates and serve their schools. Pastors and youth pastors are working with local schools to build bridges of help and hope. Thousands of miles have been ridden each August to pray for each school district and high school in Minnesota.

Numbers only tell one part of the story. The move of God in students is the story.

Alli was a 9th grade student in a small rural school. She was tenacious in going after the dream to reach every student at her school. She contacted Youth

Alive, worked with her youth pastor, and made the connections with her school administration to have Terrence Talley come speak. There was one student who never looked up or out of his hoodie during the program, yet later, he gave his life to Christ. That student is now part of her youth group.

This is why we keep doing what we do.

Where do we go from here? There are still more than 100 middle and high schools that have not hosted one of our programs. I want to get to each one. Every school needs a campus leader/ missionary, like Alli, who takes the lead in praying for and sharing Christ on that campus. Every church needs to be involved in serving their local school.

We are the Church! Let’s do this together.


To connect with Richard Baker and other MN Youth Alive Missionaries, visit or email .