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Minnesota School of Ministry | Pam Lund

MNSOM recently held their third-annual Propel Internship Summit on July 15-16 at Celebration Church in Lakeville. For the past three years MNSOM has created additional opportunities for students to grow and be involved in ministerial experiences as they pursue credentials. While interns shadow ministerial experiences with their mentors, the goal of this annual summit is to enhance those experiences. This is done by providing teaching in ten different areas of ministry, sharing best practices across the state, offering hands-on practical information, and receiving a rich resource guide both in print and in a newly developed digital library for further information. God was faithful to supply amazing Minnesota District ministers who had a passion for, or expertise, in all ten areas of ministry.

The Internship Summit is the first in the country among the Assemblies of God thirty-seven District Schools of Ministry. Students were encouraged to bring their spouses, mentors, or their pastors as guests. All totaled, 71 were in attendance.

The ongoing growth of MNSOM is credited to the Minnesota District ministers across the state that recognize God’s calling on people’s lives and connect those people to MNSOM. The ongoing success of MNSOM is because of the solid core of amazing ministers that teach our classes and those who serve as mentors.

Fall classes start in September. If you have a prospective ministry candidate or know people who want to take their spiritual walk with the Lord to a deeper level through the MNSOM program, please call, email, or visit us at our website at for more information.