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Project 42 | Pastor Justin & Tara Mack

Justin Mack and his wife Tara don’t recall the exact moment they first encountered the statistic that 42% of the world’s population is still waiting to hear about the love of Jesus. However, the more they thought about this reality, the more they felt compelled to act and support efforts to reach the unreached, especially in challenging and perilous regions.

As missions pastor at River Valley Church, Justin has the privilege of interacting with numerous dedicated missionaries and strategic organizations committed to reaching the unreached. In 2018, Justin and Tara convened a gathering of 42 friends and leaders to explore ways they could contribute further to address the needs of the 42% who remained unreached. This initial gathering resulted in pledges totaling more than $420,000. Over time, this small group evolved into a larger community spanning across Minnesota and the United States, collectively contributing millions annually toward mobilizing missionaries, facilitating scripture translation, establishing business ventures with a missional focus, planting churches, supporting humanitarian initiatives, and raising awareness about the challenges faced by the unreached.

Drawing inspiration from the biblical story of the boy who offered his meager lunch to Jesus, Justin and Tara simply offer what they have, trusting in the Lord’s ability to multiply their efforts. Through the faithfulness and generosity of the Project42 Community, their endeavors have flourished beyond expectation.

Today, the Project42 Community proudly supports hundreds of missionaries and organizations dedicated to spreading the message of Jesus to those who have yet to hear. More information about Project 42 can be found at