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There are many websites where content creators and churches share their graphics and images for free. These sites make it really easy to create your own stunning graphics for your events and promotional material. Some of these sites even share editable Photoshop files which you can use to add your church’s logo and text! Look through this list below and start designing new graphics for your events in 2020!

Creation Swap & Live Swap

Creation Swap is a website where you can find free and paid graphics, photos, and videos. Liveswap, which offers a free trial, is an online graphic design interface designed specifically for churches and non-profits.


Seeds is a website created by Church on the Move to share free graphics and resources that they have created! You can create a free account on their website to access all their content which includes sermon series material and more.

Church Media Drop

This website is another place where churches from all over distribute their own graphics, videos, and other media that they have made. Many churches and creators have teamed up to make quality graphics available to every church. Click below to check it out!


If you have never used Unsplash before to find a free photo for a graphic, check it out today! Most weeks this email contains a photo from Unsplash, and churches all over use it to create simple and eye-catching graphics for free.

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