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Mosaic Church | Pastor Reese & Lisa Hendricks

Reese Hendricks, lead pastor at Mosaic Church in Burnsville, MN, recounts, “We started in our living room, just a handful of families with a shared vision.”

Founded nearly three years ago, Mosaic’s culture is centered around three missions: loving God, serving all people, and making disciples. It is not just a congregation but a family pieced together by faith, authenticity, and a shared mission.

Planting a church has been arduous yet transformative for Reese and his wife, Lisa. They have remained anchored in their faith and their marriage and committed to their calling through the highs and lows. Lisa shares, “Just be you… God called you on purpose with the dispositions and skill sets that you have.

The essence of Mosaic lies in its name, a congregation full of diversity and unity. Lisa explains, “Our church is multi-generational and multi-ethnic… God invites all people to the table.” Mosaic Church places a strong emphasis on being a blessing to its community. From hosting diaper drives to reaching out to public servants and military families, Mosaic exemplifies a church that extends beyond its walls. Reese recounts, “We’ve given away over $20,000 in diapers alone. It’s a testament to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our church.”

The recent tragedy on Sunday, February 18 that faced the community was devasting. Burnsville Police Department called all chaplains to go into HCMC, and Reese was one of them. “As small as we are, we were directly involved, and I’m thankful we didn’t miss an opportunity. We had already established relationships with the first responders in Burnsville.”

Central to their mission is discipleship – not just a program but a way of life. Reese emphasizes, “We don’t make disciples; God makes disciples through us.” Their approach to discipleship is relational, organic, and rooted in everyday life interactions.

As Mosaic looks towards the future, they remain steadfast in their commitment to love, service, and making disciples. Their story is not just one of building a church but of building relationships, fostering community, and spreading the message of love and grace.