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Unprecedented favor is one way of putting it. This fall, Winona State University asked Chi Alpha to assist them with the school’s welcome week events. They had noticed how effective Chi Alpha was at drawing students and wanted to partner with them to see more students attend. As a result, Chi Alpha saw roughly 1000 of the 1800 incoming freshmen attend one of their welcome week events!

This favor led to their largest first week meeting ever with 270 in attendance, which is up from 185 last year. Forty-nine students responded to the gospel that night!

Additionally, the school hosts a mandatory mental health session for all incoming students. They utilize students to share their stories of dealing with their own mental health challenges. The day before the event four of the student speakers backed out. They reached out to Chi Alpha and four of their students got to share their stories with the entire freshman class.

Chi Alpha in Minnesota is seeing its strongest start ever across the state! Over 125 students have committed their lives to follow Jesus just in the first week.

The first few weeks of college are critical. Students make choices and connections affecting their life for years to come. Chi Alpha has a small window of time to connect with students to reach them, disciple them, and then turn them loose to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world. Thank you for partnering with Chi Alpha through prayer and finances!