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The Dream Becomes a Reality | LGCC Legacy Lodge Update

Wow, what a fantastic journey it has been to see additional housing, meeting, and recreational facilities BECOME A REALITY at Lake Geneva Christian Center!  From 2017 to 2020, we continued paying off $1.67 million indebtedness from acquiring adjacent property.  This property became the land on which the new facilities were built.  By the end of 2020, an additional $3.9 million was pledged towards what was initially a $6.8 million project.

The “Covid Era” produced some significant financial challenges, increasing the overall cost to $10 Million.  By July of 2022, however, slightly more than $7 million was already given or pledged toward the expansion.  Today, with cash already received and outstanding pledges to be paid over the next three years, we are less than $500,000 away from FINISHING!  Thank you, Lord, for your provision, and people of God, for your GENEROSITY.  We’re almost there.

The electrical and plumbing inspections have already been completed, and we have received our occupancy permit.  The blacktop and sidewalks were recently installed. The pool, hot tub, and landscaping will soon be completed.  The first group to use the additional 240 sleeping spaces was the largest ever age-graded MN camp.  Our final youth camp of the summer had over 1,000 students who attended! They inaugurated the new lodging facilities in style.  It’s hard to believe that our kids and grandkids were blessed to be the first to use the Legacy Lodge!  To God be the Glory!

Thank you, Minnesota, for your extreme generosity toward this incredible resource for MN churches, families, groups, students, and children.  Experiencing God’s presence around a camp altar is unforgettable.  We are so blessed to be able to pass on the gift of Lake Geneva Camp to the next generation and generations yet to be born.